




Our firm is guided by values and principles that aim at an efficient and client-oriented advice, preserving at the same time the main characteristic of client-lawyer relationship – loyalty.
The client-lawyer relationship is based on loyalty and creation of a long-term partnership advising clients on their main needs.
Above all, we try to understand the demands of each client beyond legal aspects, which enables us to act creatively and pragmatically. We always strive to add value and bring tailored solutions to our clients.
International Financial Law Review – IFLR
In its first year, our firm Donelli, Abreu Sodré e Nicolai Advogados – DSA was recognized by the international publication International Financial Law Review – IFLR, among the top M&A firms in Brazil
Besides M&A, our firm has been active in important debt restructuring cases, in and out of court, and wealth planning.
Análise Advocacia 2020
Análise Advocacia 2022
Análise Advocacia Mulher 2022
New Articles

Statement of Brazilian Capitals Abroad (‘DCBE’) submission term opens soon
The deadline for the submission of the Statement of Brazilian Capitals Abroad (“DCBE”) to the Central Bank of Brazil begins on February 15, 2022. WHO SHOULD SUBMIT ANNUALLY: All individuals or legal entities residents, domiciled or headquartered in Brazil that, on...

Government will go through the ‘fine-tooth comb’ on all contracts over R$ 1 million to reduce expenses
BRASÍLIA – All federal government contracts with amounts above BRL 1 million necessarily go through a fine-tooth comb by the ministries for revision, renegotiation and even extinction. In the economic team, the measure is considered the first step towards a broad...

New law provides better conditions for negotiation of tax debts
By means of Law No. 14,375/2022, conversion of Provisional Measure No. 1,090/2021, the Federal Government introduced important changes to the negotiation of federal tax debts, making it more attractive to taxpayers and bringing new negotiation modalities. A first...
Av. 9 de Julho, 5017, 3º andar – Jd. Paulista | São Paulo/SP – CEP 01407-200 | +55 (11) 5555-0194 atendimento@dsalaw.com.br |