The term for Brazilian individual taxpayers to submit their Income Tax Statement (“DIRPF”) begins next Monday, March 1st. The program to prepare the statement is already available to download in Brazilian tax authorities (“RFB”) website.

The deadline to submit the DIRPF is April 30th, 2021 – it is possible, though, to submit rectifying versions of the DIRPF after that. We remember that, in 2020, due to the pandemic, the deadline was postponed, but there is currently no similar provision for this year.

WHO SHALL SUBMIT: In general, there were no changes regarding those required to submit the DIRPF. We point out, for instance, Brazilian residents that, in 2020, received taxable income amounting to at least BRL 28,559.70 or income taxed at source / exempt from tax amounting to more than BRL 40,000.00.

A new mandatory case to submit the DIRPF applies to those who received the emergency aid (auxílio emergencial) during 2020, in any amount, as well as additional taxable income higher than BRL 22,847.76.

NEW FUNCTIONS OF THE PROGRAM: The program used to prepare and submit the DIRPF for this year has some new functions, such as:

  • Specific categories to include information on Bitcoin and altcoins (Ethereum, for example), as well as other crypto assets (g., tokens) within the “Assets and Rights” (“Bens e Direitos”) file.
  • Possibility to inform on future sharing of assets of a deceased person (“sobrepartilha”) with no need to rectify the previous DIRPF of the estate (“Declaração Final de Espólio”).
  • Possibility to give back the emergency aid received by means of a direct payment (“DARF” slip) – this should be done by taxpayers that, in 2020, received taxable income higher than BRL 22,847.76.

We are at your disposal to assist you in preparing the DIRPF or clarifying any doubts. For further information and clarifications, please contact:

Luiz Donelli –
Arthur Barreto –



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